7 May 2009

My 5 Rules For Life

Insomnia has hit once again and while I am waiting for my tablets to kick in I have decided to write five rules in which I live my life by:

1. Breathe – remember to inhale and exhale deeply throughout the day. Oxygen is renewable, good for you, and currently tax free so enjoy it while you can.

2. Do not wear underpants over your trousers. It does not give you the ability to fly like Superman, just makes you look incredibly silly.

3. Don’t be afraid to experiment in life. Take chances, be carefree. You never know if you’re going to like something until you try it. Don’t be afraid of life, grasp it with both hands and experience all it has to offer.

4. Hug at least one person a day. Preferably someone who knows you, but if hugging random strangers in the street is your thing, who am I to stop you.

5. Never take for granted the sound of silence.



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