10 April 2009

And So It Begins

Here we go, the first post. I am not a beginner to blogging, far from it, and through much trial and error I think I have finally come up with a winning format...well, at least I hope I have. In the past my blogs concentrated on my depression and I rather naively thought that writing about it through my blog would remove all stigma surrounding mental health and all would be well in the world. This of course didn’t happen. A blog that just contained posts describing how low I was feeling was never going to convince someone who was ignorant about mental health to change their opinions, if anything it would reinforce them, thinking that yet again another ‘attention seeking, weak, pathetic loner’ was clogging up the internet with their ‘emo’ thoughts.

That doesn’t mean I won’t touch on the subject here, definitely not. I am more determined than ever to tackle the stigma that surrounds it. I find it pathetic that in this day and age so many people are still ignorant and clueless about what mental health is. Like many, I hid my depression for many years, I still do to a high extent, because of the way people automatically label you, pity you, treat you like an outcast. No matter how close someone is to you, how long they’ve known you, you tell them you’re depressed and suddenly you’re a different person. They judge you, look at you differently, are suddenly awkward around you. Obviously not everyone reacts like that, but I would say, after personal experience, the majority would.

My aim for this blog is to give an insight into what it’s like to live with this illness whilst also looking into other areas of human behaviour. Some posts will be educational, some personal experiences, wherever the mood takes me. A little warning though before I wrap this post up. I also suffer bouts of complete randomness and if during one of these bouts I want to write a post about reinforced plastic spoons, I will do just that.

Enjoy :)


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